Release Complex Unresolved Pain!
Goltech® increases your ability to relieve chronic problems other therapies cannot: see Client Testimonies and Practitioner Testimonies.
Goltech® aligns the spine without manipulation. (See the video.)
Goltech® creator charges up to $300 per consult
I can release pain where others haven’t. Clients often come to me after they have spent thousands of dollars elsewhere. I am a specialist, and I charge accordingly.
* Higher fees may only be chargeable for chronic intractable conditions where others haven’t succeeded.
Why is Goltech better?
Goltech® uses rapid release techniques to significantly relieve complex, unresolved pain, where other methods may not. For example, tendon and ligament pain syndromes and nerve entrapment problems. (See Don McKenzie’s testimony.) It also aligns the spine without manipulation. See the video below.
What Goltech® Creator, Paul Davies, loves about Goltech therapy
What is Goltech®?
Goltech® soft tissue therapy releases significant, complex and unresolved pain, quickly and effectively, often where methods fail. It relieves muscle tension, tendon and ligament pain syndromes and nerve entrapment.
It emerged from of a flash of insight in the late 1980s followed by more than 25 years of subsequent development and refinement.
What Makes Goltech Therapy Different?
Goltech®’s unique style of cross-fibre muscle release and myofascial release work together to rapidly resolve chronic pain, often where other therapies have failed.
See Client Testimonies and Practitioner Testimonies regarding their experiences with Goltech therapy.
How does Goltech® work?
For a FREE Report about Goltech® Therapy: Click Here.
Where can I learn Goltech® Therapy? Click Here.
Why is Goltech® Cross-Fibre Muscle Release Better?
Conventional cross-fibre massage tends to send mixed-messages through the nervous system, some of which stimulate muscle relaxation, others of which stimulate muscle contraction. These mixed-messages reduce the therapeutic potential of cross-fibre work.
Goltech® cross-fibre muscle release technique works by ensuring that only the muscle relaxation reflex is stimulated. Practical knowledge of the technique, as taught in the course, together with an understanding of its theoretical basis, enables practitioners to achieve far greater therapeutic results, much more consistently.
See Client Testimonies and Practitioner Testimonies regarding their experiences with Goltech therapy.
How is Goltech® Myofascial Release Different?
Conventional approaches to myofascial release involve a combination of two simultaneously applied strategies:
- Deep pressure on the muscle to force restoration of ground substance fluidity.
- Traction across the myofascial fibre network to stimulate the breaking of micro-adhesions, and the release of tension in myofascial contractile fibres.
It is effective. However it has two major drawbacks:
- It may be uncomfortable for the client, and
- It is time-inefficient. It can take an hour or more to release a small part of the body such as the forearm.
Goltech® myofascial release is just as effective, but is extremely time efficient – its creator, Paul Davies, can myofascially release an entire body in 30 minutes.
See Client Testimonies and Practitioner Testimonies regarding their experiences with Goltech therapy.
(Back to What Makes Goltech Therapy Different?)
Why is myofascial release necessary?
Myofascial hardening (what is it?) is the key reason that tissues lose their elastic resilience, which in turn:
- Increases the likelihood of injuries developing
- Restricts movement
- Prevents long-standing muscle and tendon problems from resolving.
Myofascial release increases range of movement, allows longstanding muscle and tendon problems to resolve and helps prevent further injuries.
Healthy connective tissue fibres have the capacity to stretch and rebound without damage. The term used in Goltech Therapy is elastic resilience.
Of course the degree to which a connective tissue structure can stretch depends on the nature and function of the structure. For example ligaments generally have little capacity for stretch, although there are some notable exceptions such as the nuchal ligament in the neck and the ligamenta flava of the spine.
But the myofascia and tendons are stretchable enough to act like springs, storing force and then releasing it as required. This is what happens during locomotion, especially running, and most especially sprinting. And our palaeolithic ancestors knew this from practical experience. They twisted tendons (“sinews”) together to make their bow-strings. The “sinews” of an ancient bow contributed as much or more to its power and range as did the wood which constituted the frame!
Back to the point…
The force of impact as the foot strikes the ground is stored in the tendons and myofascia as they stretch to help in absorbing the shock of impact. This distributes the force, reducing the likelihood of any one tissue being damaged. And the release of this energy as the tendon and myofascia rebound from their stretched position assists in forward movement.
But what if part of the spring is compromised? What if, for example, the myofascia within the calf loses its elastic resilience but the Achilles tendon retains its elasticity?
Repetitive foot strikes in locomotion will not be absorbed by the whole of the “spring”. All of the force of impact will be absorbed by the Achilles tendon. In fact the Achilles tendon will be more subject to injury than the myofascia of the calf muscles!
The practical consequences of this concept to clinical practise are covered in the seminar.
What Compromises Elastic Resilience?
Elastic resilience is compromised by any factor contributing to mysofascial hardening. That is, factors which compromise the integrity of either:
- The myofascial network of fibres.
- The ground substance in which the network is embedded.
- Or both.
Goltech®‘s revolutionary approach to quickly and efficiently releasing myofascial hardening enables restoration of the elastic resilience of tissues and therefore normal function of the musculo-tendonous system where other therapies fail.
If you still doubt the unique power of this therapy, read the client testimonies (click) and be astonished!
What is the Myofascial Network?
The myofascia or the myofascial network is the various layers of connective tissue associated with every muscle of the body. If you have ever cut up stewing meat, you have seen it. It is the flat, white to cream sinew-like material which divides up the muscle. If you separate it from the meat, you will notice it is tough and strong, but with a degree of stretch to it. Collagen gives it the strength and elastin gives it the stretch.
There are three layers of myofascial fibres (usually just called myofascia) associated with muscle, each covering a part of the muscle structure like a sheath.
- The deepest myofascia covers individual muscle fibres and is called endomysium.
- Fibres are then bundled together into groups known as fascicles and covered by myofascia known as perimysium.
- Next, bundles of fascicles form recognisable muscles which are covered by the most surface myofascial layer: epimysium.
Loosely speaking myofascia is commonly a collective term referring to all the sheaths of myofascia associated with muscle: the deep endomysium; the perimysium; and the surface epimysium.
Each layer of myofascia extends well beyond each end of the muscle, merging with the other two layers to create tendons. Sometimes sheets of myofascia are used to anchor or connect one muscle to another muscle, or to a ligament, or to a tendon or to a bone. And sometimes the sheets of myofascia weave together to form a ligament. This is the case with the inguinal ligament. which is a coalescence of the lower fascial sheets of the abdominal muscles. See the illustration below.

Structure of Skeletal Muscle and its Myofascia
(Back to How is Goltech® Myofascial Release Different?)
Normal myofascia is as flexible as a new piece of cloth. But it can become as stiff and inflexible as the old cloth in the underarms of garments constantly in contact with deodorants.
The stiffening of the cloth of the myofascial network may be due to:
- Contraction of the network fibres due to acidity of the ground substance in which it resides. Fibres will contract like your mouth puckers when you suck a lemon.
- Development of micro-adhesions between fibres (micro-scars that link the fibres) due to frank injury or repetitive microtrauma.
This contributes to myofascial hardening.
(Back to How is Goltech® Myofascial Release Different?)
Ground substance is the fluid within which all connective tissue fibres are embedded, including the myofascial network of fibres.
Its consistency is similar to that of raw egg white (as is the lubricating synovial fluid within joints), however the degree of viscosity and compressibility of this fluid, how gel-like (solid) or fluid-like (liquid) it is varies according to its precise constituents, which change slightly according to the functional requirements of the connective tissue concerned: whether ear cartilage, joint cartilage, muscle myofascia, tendon or ligament.
Ground substance will be more watery where mobility is required but more gel-like where resistance to compressive forces is essential. Variations in its gel or fluid character are determined by the size of the molecules within it, which are principally sulphated disaccharides. Larger molecules: gel. Smaller molecules: fluid.
What we are talking about here is a kind of chemical soup. Not only does its consistency vary with functional requirements and molecule size, but also due to other factors in chemical make-up, which may be influenced by diet or inflammatory processes due to injury. In other words it can harden up and become more solid than is optimal for unhindered muscle function.
The solidification of ground substance contributes to myofascial hardening.