“Paul helped my right ankle … shoulder…tennis elbow and …hand in one visit…”
– Don McKenzie (Click Here to hear Don speak)
“My pain level has been reduced by about 90%.”
– Nancy Fitzgibbon
“I had seen multiple specialists without any relief or result…Within 2 visits…
Goltech® technique…the problem has gone and no pain persists”
– Truin Chapman
“I got more benefit out of my first half hour consultation with Paul
then I ever did out of all my physiotherapy sessions.”
– Kelly Mcintosh
“I’ve paid hundreds of dollars…none ever fix the problem.
One appointment (in Paul’s clinic) and my back was in shape again!”
– Marina Roper
“pain continued for more than 2 years…physiotherapy …to no avail. One appointment with Paul and I am pain free and drug free for a whole year.”
– Olivia Wright
“I’ve been to both Physiotherapists and Chiropractors…for over 16 years
… follow up treatments …up to twice a week) just to keep me out of pain
… after only 2 treatments…I rarely have to go back.”
– Mark “Sparky” Paltridge
“Paul treated my back and neck …for many years. No one else has been able to get the results that he used to get with me.”
– Julie Anson
“…any friends I come across with problems that no-one else can fix, I know where to send them!”
– Toni McCormack
I still seek Paul out if I ever injure myself and I simply can’t recommend him enough.
– Simon Hunt
Patient Don McKenzie describes four SERIOUS problems that were relieved in just ONE Goltech Therapy session. One was a 7 year-old injury, and another went back CLOSE TO 30 YEARS!
Goltech® Therapy Client Testimonies
- Don McKenzie – Shoulder, Elbow, Hand and Foot
- Aaron Jones – Achille Tendon
- Simon Hunt – Running leading to chronic injuries
- Julie Anson – Better then chiropractic!
- Olivia Wright – Chronic Back Pain
- Lisa Parker – General body aches and pains
- Mark “Sparky” Paltridge – Chronic back and neck pain, RSI
- Donna Williamson – Chronic pain in shoulder for years, plus restricted ankle movement from bus accident
- Kelly McIntosh – bilateral frozen shoulder (both shoulders)
- Rory O’Donnell – Acute SPLITTING headache!
- Donna Schmidt – Son with “frozen up” and stiff legs from overtraining
- Toni McCormack – Sore shoulder for 2 years, couldn’t sleep on it
- Kathy Patterson – Two daughters with sore backs fixed when chiropractic failed
- Marina Roper – 6 years of chronic, severe, lower back pain: fixed in ONE visit!
- Leanne Schmidt – Chronic hip pain: couldn’t sit for any length of time
- Felicity Capelli – Plantar Fasciitis FOR 19 YEARS: fixed in ONE visit!
- Ian Bruce – Sore shoulders 15 months, back pain 5 years, sore calf muscles 20 years
- Truin Chapman – Sore right knee
- Rhonda Leslie – Treatment of hard working farmer’s back (husband)
- Donna Douglas – Chronic shoulder problem for 3 years after fracture
- Marie Anson – Best treatment she has EVER had for back and neck problems
- Nancy Fitzgibbon – Morning rising without pain – first time for 2 months
- Tom Blair – Chronic mid-back and neck problems
Don McKenzie – Bracken Ridge, Queensland – 17th January 2013.
I only recently injured myself on a boat trailer. The jockey wheel slid through its housing whilst my right hand was sandwiched between the top handle of the jockey wheel and the winch plate, punching a 12 mm (½ inch) hole in between my thumb and index finger. As it squealed I pulled my hand out. I needed stitches, and afterwards my right forearm near my elbow began to ache. I thought, a little time and it’ll be right. But it wasn’t. Reluctantly after my better half pestered me, I went to see Paul.
I had only just got the stitches out of my hand. Paul told me it would hurt a bit, and it did, but I was pretty much “as sweet as”. I “tubed” at Christmas; used a boat. Also helped close friends move house; no worries.
Back at work I was rigging on a tower crane, clipping platforms and monorail onto the climbing frame. I put my elbow guard on and did 11 and ½ hours of flogging spanners. I was more sore in parts of my unfit 45 years-old body than my elbow. Before I saw Paul I helped scaffolders at work with a 6 metre (20 foot) ladder beam. I nearly dropped it from the stabbing pain in my elbow. My chiropractor told me there was nothing he could do for tennis elbow because it was not a bone. But Paul fixed my elbow in the first session in about 5 or 10 minutes. Then he told me I had some appointment time left, and did I have any injuries from days gone by?
I had a right shoulder injury that I did in 1984, again in 1987 and again in 1991. Paul raised my arm up and he said it’s not the bone. I haven’t been able to rotate my shoulder properly since 1991. It hurt a bit, but Paul fixed it.
Next was my ankle. He popped something back in place and yep, I could walk a little free-er.
But it was the freeing up of my right hand that really amazed me. My right hand got squashed in a rigging incident in 2006. It swelled to 83 mm (3 and ¼ inches) thick and I broke a metacarpal (hand bone). The occupational therapist did a great job. But it was my 2012 chance meeting with Paul that changed everything with my hand. Since I had success only minutes before with a few other things I was confident something would happen.
I could never close my fingers into the palm of my hand. But after a couple of minutes of Paul working it, Paul got me to close my hand up to make a fist. That was the first time since 2006 that my fingers and palm had touched one another. I was impressed to say the least!
So Paul repaired my right ankle, right shoulder, right tennis elbow and my right hand in one visit, just before Christmas just gone. The second time I went he just checked it all over. No worries.
I am sort of angry with myself for not going earlier to him. It took my aching tennis elbow to fix up the rest of me, and two and a bit years of my Mrs. to drip on me like water on a stone. It finally sunk (sic) in.
Aaron Jones – Bald Hills, Queensland – January 2013. Patient Support Officer, Royal Brisbane Women’s Hospital, Brisbane , Queensland,. Australia
Initially I thought my sore Achilles tendon was simply wear and tear from walking all day at work on hard surfaces. It would recur over a period of 3-4 years and escalated over the last 4-5 months. As time went by the problem didn’t get better, it actually became much worse. My Achilles became very inflamed and tender after a few days at work, then it would settle down on my days off.
I bought a brace, expensive shoes but the problem kept getting worse. I purchased pharmaceutical products recommended by co-workers and anti-inflammatories gave temporary relief but the problem was becoming unbearable.
When I first met Paul I was quite sceptical when he told me my Achilles was probably not the problem, but after being on his table where he worked on everything but my sore tendon, I immediately found relief. I was walking freely again.
It has been a couple of months since then and with only one more visit my Achilles tendonitis is not an issue for me. I have experienced my first days off without any soreness and I know if I follow Paul’s advice I will not have a recurring issue with my Achilles tendon.
Simon Hunt – Toowoomba, Queensland.
At the age of 18 (I am now 39) I was diagnosed by my doctor as having spurs growing on my heel. I was on crutches for two weeks and unable to touch my heel with my hand due to the pain. The doctor said my condition was brought on by the constant changing of surfaces when running up to 50 kilometres (31 miles) per week.
It was at this time that my dad shared with Paul Davies about my current plight. Paul told him that the doctor’s opinion about the origin of the problem was incorrect, and that he had seen me running one day as he drove past me in his car. He told my dad that I was over-striding when running, and that he could fix me in one to two visits.
At this point I went to see Paul and after only a few minutes treatment on my hip flexor muscles, my posture was changed. Previously I had always had the appearance of having a pot belly and sway lower back. That changed immediately. And all the pain had disappeared from my heel! Two days later, I returned for a check up and Paul said I was fine to run again. When I did, I no longer over-strode.
Due to my time on crutches, I had not trained now for over two weeks, so I wasn’t expecting a lot. But I went for a 5km time-trial run anyway. Normally by 2.5 to 3kms, my legs would start to blow-up, lungs burn and I would slow dramatically. But this day as I passed the half way point, I noticed I wasn’t slowing and a smile started to form on my face. and with every passing stride my smile grew bigger as I realised I wasn’t slowing and not only was I not slowing but I found I could even increase my speed! By the end of the run I had run 5kms a whole 1 minute and 30 seconds faster than I ever had before! I could not have dreamed of such an improvement.
To this day I still seek Paul out if I ever injure myself and I simply can’t recommend him enough.
Julie Anson – Horsham, Victoria
Paul treated my back and neck and other body problems for many years when he was in Horsham. I wish he was still here. No one else has been able to get the results that he used to get with me. If you’ve got a body problem that you’d go to a chiropractor for, go see Paul. He’s better.
Olivia Wright – Strathpine, Queensland – 18th June 2012
Paul is amazing! I’m 25 and a nurse with back pain. My doctor prescribed drugs and rest, but the pain continued for more than 2 years. I’ve had scans and physiotherapy but all to no avail. One appointment with Paul and I am pain free and drug free for a whole year. Thank you so much. I feel young again!
Lisa Parker – Ipswich, Queensland – November 2011
I just wanted to say thank you so very much for the sessions that my daughter and myself had with you. Both of us are feeling SO much better. The technique that you have developed is just amazing. I strongly recommend it to everyone I come across who has aches and pains!!
I will be back for the tune-ups that you suggested, but until then I wish you all the very best with your practice.
Once again, thank you.
Mark “Sparky” Paltridge (Spark1 Studios) – Maleny, Queensland – 12th February 2012
At 43 years of age, I’ve been working fulltime for over 26 years, in both the retail industry for the first 11 years, as well as being self employed for the past 15 years, as a professional musician and a recording engineer. Both of these vocations presented me with various occupational health hazards, ultimately leaving me having to cope with chronic back and neck pain for much of this time period, often due to repetitive strain injuries.
In seeking treatment for these injuries, I’ve been to both Physiotherapists and Chiropractors, with regular visits to the latter for over 16 years. In Chiropractic, I found various levels of success in relief of my chronic pain, but often had to go back for follow up treatments, (sometimes up to twice a week), just to keep me out of pain.
Recently, I was recommended to go and seek the help of Paul Davies, as a few of my colleagues had noticed a marked difference in their own overall health and wellbeing after only a few visits with him.
Paul explained his techniques to me very thoroughly, (utilizing both Naturopathy and his unique form of remedial massage), and I found that after only 2 treatments that I experienced a huge difference, (for the better), to my own personal wellbeing. Not only that, I rarely have to go back for follow up treatments, as Paul’s therapy keeps me healthy and pain free, for so much longer than conventional medicines and therapies.
Personally, I couldn’t recommend Paul Davies and his techniques highly enough! What a difference he’s made in my life, in both work and down time. I’m a convert! All the best.
Donna Williamson – Mitchelton, Queensland – September 2011
A reasonably serious traffic accident had left me with broken ribs and a fractured tibia. I had been in a moon boot for 12 weeks and had lost a lot of mobility in my ankle. I had worked with a physio for several months prior to seeing Paul and progress was slow and painful.
I had also had chronic pain in my left shoulder for years. I had finally resorted to having X-Ray guided cortisone injections into the site. As long as I continued to take quite strong anti-inflammatories as well, I could get through the days but not the nights. I also found that being in pain makes you feel old and I certainly don’t have time for that.
One visit to Paul restored the movement in my shoulder and that was pain free. The range of movement in my ankle was vastly improved.
I highly recommend his unique treatment.
Kelly McIntosh – Bracken Ridge, Queensland – September 2011
I was first diagnosed with a frozen shoulder in 2008 which eventually progressed to bilateral frozen shoulder by the end of 2009. I have had many different treatments for frozen shoulder such as multiple cortisone injections, shoulder joint injection, ultrasound treatment, hydrotherapy, anti-inflammatory medication, pain relief medications, acupuncture and approximately 1½ years of physiotherapy. I have experienced severe limitation of range of movement and chronic pain.
Unfortunately none of these treatments provided me with any sustained relief from my pain or any substantial increase in range of movement. Until now!
I was recommended to Paul through my personal trainer who suggested that he may be able to help me. This was one of the best referrals I could have been given.
Paul treated me with Goltech® therapy and after my first appointment my pain level had decreased substantially and my range of movement in both shoulders increased quite a bit as well. I can honestly say that for the first time in approximately 3 years I feel like my shoulders are moving towards recovery. I got more benefit out of my first half hour consultation with Paul then I ever did out of all my physiotherapy sessions.
I will happily continue to consult with Paul, and highly recommend him to anyone suffering chronic pain or injury.
Rory O’Donnell – Morayfield, Queensland – August 2011
I’m a professional musician who spends a lot of time working in recording studios playing guitar on other people’s albums. This requires me to have a guitar hanging around my neck for hours on end – and anyone who knows quality guitars knows they can be heavy, especially my #1 – a Gibson Les Paul!
I’ve just come off the back of a particularly busy period of sessions and live shows, and for the last week I’ve had a splitting headache and extremely tight neck and shoulders, and no amount of pain killers, twisting & turning or massage from myself or my wife did anything to help it. I was losing sleep, patience, focus and my ability to be creative – which is the core of my job!
I saw Paul today and asked for him to have a look at my neck, and halfway through the treatment my headache disappeared – I could actually feel it leave, it was quite an interesting feeling to be honest.
By the time his treatment had finished (less than 5 minutes) my head was clear, headache completely gone, I had good turning motion and what I thought was a lingering head-cold was gone.
I knew Paul was good, but I’m always amazed at how effective and fast Goltech® really is!
I think I might have to increase my fee so I can afford to take him with us on the next band tour to keep everyone in good shape!
Donna Schmidt (mother of Scott) – Bald Hills, Queensland – July 2011
My 15 year-old son Scott plays a lot of sport and has complained for a long time of tight hamstrings. They were so tight he was unable to straighten his legs while lying down, and unable to touch his toes. He also had tight calf muscles which would cramp at times while he was running. After only one treatment from Paul the improvement was immediate. He had greater flexibility and less tightness. He even claimed he could run faster.
Toni McCormack – Kallangur, Queensland – June 2011
I consulted Paul Davies having suffered from a sore shoulder for over 2 years. I had previously been to Acupuncturists, other Remedial Massage Therapists and Osteopaths providing maybe a day’s relief at best and didn’t expect much more this time.
To my surprise, Paul diagnosed and fixed my problem within minutes and I can now even sleep on that shoulder which was far too painful before!
Paul is now also helping my son with his Aspergers/ADHD symptoms with the hope that eventually he won’t need any prescription drugs.
Now any friends I come across with problems that no-one else can fix, I know where to send them!
Kathy Patterson – Warner, Queensland – May 2011
My two daughters have had problems with their backs for one reason or another, and I had been taking them to a chiropractor for quite some time – to no avail! Even coming home in tears because of the pain!
That’s when I decided to take them to Paul, and after only two sessions, they are back doing their gym and sports at full steam!!
I would highly recommend Paul, and most definitely, so would my daughters.
Much appreciated Paul. Thank you. 🙂
Marina Roper – Caboolture, Queensland
One appointment and my back was in shape again! I’ve had back problems for over 6 years. It’s a case of scoliosis and it has caused me a lot of pain over the years. I’ve paid hundreds of dollars to Chiropractors, Massage Therapists and Acupuncture but none ever fix the problem. I finally got to meet Paul… I’ll simply let the results speak for themselves.
I walked into Paul’s clinic unable to bend and reach anywhere past my knees. Half an hour later Paul worked his magic and I was able to bend over without pain all the way to reach the ground. The result has been incredible and if it wasn’t for Paul’s methods I’d still be wasting money trying to find a solution to my back problems.
I would recommend anyone facing any kind of problems with their backs, muscles and pains to see Paul. It has been a total change in my life to be able to do things that I otherwise wouldn’t be able to do. Thanks Paul.
Leanne Schmidt – Bridgeman Downs, Queensland -. 16th March 2011
I was first referred to Paul Davies by my partner and his friends after they had seen remarkable results from his treatments. I had had on going problems and prolonged pain in my hips for a substantial amount of time, to the point where I found it hard to sit for any length of time, and even running meant that I would be hobbling around in agony for days. I tried a session of remedial massage and it did not help my painful problem.
After my first session with Paul, I saw a noticeable change in how my hips felt and reacted to my movements. After the second treatment, I was totally relieved of any pain that I had previously felt in my hips. The work that Paul did on my hips has helped me to no end. I now have no pain in my hips whatsoever.
Felicity Capelli – Petrie, Queensland – 16th February 2011
I have suffered with Plantar Fasciitis for 19 years. Orthotics have helped but other treatments with massage and antiinflammatories have mostly failed. Since visiting Paul (one treatment) I have experienced a great improvement and would say that the condition no longer affects me.
Ian Bruce – Petrie, Queensland – 11th March 2011
I had trouble with my shoulders for about 15 months due to moving house. Also had general back pain/stiffness for more than five years and very stiff and sore calf muscles for more than 20 years. The initial treatment for these problems and the follow up one have fixed these problems. The stiff sore back was treated by other people using massage but the problem kept recurring. Paul’s treatment has made the difference and the back is pain free.
Truin Chapman – Fortitude Valley, Queensland – 20th November 2011
I came to Paul with a problem with my knee, after skiing in North Finland. The soreness in my right knee got to a point that it was unbearable. I had seen multiple specialists without any relief or result. I came to the final conclusion that there was nothing that could be done.
Within 2 visits with Paul Davies and his Goltech® technique the problem has gone and no pain persists. It’s been 1 year since treatment and I still have not had a problem. Thank you, sincerely, Truin Chapman.
Rhonda Leslie – Horsham, Victoria
Paul treated my late husband using his remedial massage therapy for a variety of body problems caused by his hard physical work as a farmer, from the late 1980s until the mid 1990s, and I know he was very pleased with the results. (My husband is now unfortunately deceased). As a naturopath, he also treated myself and four of my five children during that same time period for a wide variety of health complaints, and outcomes were always more than satisfactory. I commend him to you.
Donna Douglas – Banksia Beach, Bribie Island, Queensland
I have had a lot of shoulder problems since I broke my acromion (that’s a bone in the shoulder) over 3 years ago. Paul’s massage treatment of my back, neck and shoulder was absolutely fantastic. I’ll be going back if I ever need him again.
Marie Anson – Harrow, Victoria
Since Paul left Horsham, his name comes up in conversation fairly frequently, because his style of treatment for neck and back problems was the best that I’ve ever had. I keep saying I wish he was still here. He used to treat me for other things too with natural medicines, and they were always great. If people don’t make use of him, they don’t know a good thing when they see it.
Nancy Fitzgibbon – Cashmere, Queensland – 25th March 2010
Thanks Paul. For the first time in more than two months I got out of bed today with ease. My pain level has been reduced by about 90%. I appreciate your help. Cheers, Nancy
I found Paul a likeable guy who knew what he was doing and helped me no end, especially with treatment on my mid-back and neck.